申请financial aid的第一步是要填写Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA)。
Students can complete an application online at www.fafsa.ed.gov
and submit it directly to the Central Processing System (CPS). They
can also correct any of their previously submitted data except for the
Social Security number (SSN).
FAFSA 申请的递交是从每年的一月一号开始。最佳的申请日期也就是一月一号。先到先得。

个人information部分: 学生和父母的基本informaiton, 在美的身份等等。
前一年的税表1040. (收入)
要得到Financial Aid,就要有低的收入和少的资产。
降低收入的办法有三个: 1. 不工作或少工作,2. 对有生意的人家,有一定的expense。 3. 增加抵税额,如401K, IRA, SEP 等。
资产怎么算呢?先告诉大家不算的部分: 人寿保险不算,年金不算,所有的退休金账户都不算,自家住的房屋不算。
算入部分: 银行账户,投资账户,529 plan,Coverdell Education Plan,投资房的equity部分等。
FAFSA的目的是要计算EFC,即家庭能付的费用, Estimated Family Contribution。 读大学的费用减去EFC,即所需要的financial aid的额度。
UGMA, UTMA属于student的assets,所以, 20%计入EFC。其红利,利息等作为student的income计入EFC。 所以尽量不要让孩子拥有资产。
Students can complete an application online at www.fafsa.ed.gov
and submit it directly to the Central Processing System (CPS). They
can also correct any of their previously submitted data except for the
Social Security number (SSN).
FAFSA 申请的递交是从每年的一月一号开始。最佳的申请日期也就是一月一号。先到先得。
The financial aid award year runs from July 1 of one year through June 30 of the following year.
The financial aid processing period, which is a 21-month period, begins in January and extends through September following the close of the award year.
Title IV Student Financial Aid
Federal financial aid programs for students attending postsecondary educational institutions, authorized under Title IV of the Higher Education Act of 1965, as amended (HEA). The programs are administered by the U.S. Department of Education. Title IV student aid programs are:
- Federal Pell Grants
- Academic Competitivenesss Grants (ACG)
- Science and Mathematics Access to Retain Talent Grants (National SMART Grant)
- Teacher Education Assistance for College and Higher Education (TEACH) Grant
- Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grants (FSEOG)
- Federal Work-Study (FWS)
- Federal Perkins Loans
- William D. Ford Federal Direct Loans
- Federal Family Education Loan (FFEL) Program Loans
- Federal Consolidation Loans
- Leveraging Educational Assistance Partnership (LEAP) Program [formerly State Student Incentive Grants (SSIG)] grants
- Special Leveraging Educational Assistance Partnership (SLEAP) Program grants
- Robert C. Byrd Honors Scholarships
个人information部分: 学生和父母的基本informaiton, 在美的身份等等。
前一年的税表1040. (收入)
要得到Financial Aid,就要有低的收入和少的资产。
降低收入的办法有三个: 1. 不工作或少工作,2. 对有生意的人家,有一定的expense。 3. 增加抵税额,如401K, IRA, SEP 等。
资产怎么算呢?先告诉大家不算的部分: 人寿保险不算,年金不算,所有的退休金账户都不算,自家住的房屋不算。
算入部分: 银行账户,投资账户,529 plan,Coverdell Education Plan,投资房的equity部分等。
FAFSA的目的是要计算EFC,即家庭能付的费用, Estimated Family Contribution。 读大学的费用减去EFC,即所需要的financial aid的额度。
- 20% of a student's assets (money, investments, business interests, and real estate)
- 50% of a student's income (after certain allowances)
- 2.6%- 5.6% of a parent's assets (money, investments, certain business interests, and real estate, based on a sliding income scale and after certain allowances)
- 22%-47% of a parent's income (based on a sliding income scale and after certain allowances)
UGMA, UTMA属于student的assets,所以, 20%计入EFC。其红利,利息等作为student的income计入EFC。 所以尽量不要让孩子拥有资产。
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