家長們, 您知道您的孩子對您的需求和期望嗎?您期望進入孩子的內心世界去了解和懂得他們嗎?您希望尋求一種方式讓您的孩子了解您和他們不同的生長背景,以及您和他們所面臨的種種壓力,還有您對他們的期盼嗎?你希望您的孩子也能傾聽您的聲音嗎?
親子溝通講座Teen and Parent Speak-Out
Can you hear me now?
Parents, do you struggle with talking with your teens?
Feel Clueless about their high school lives?
Wonder what they are really thinking?
Teens, feel like your parents never understand you?
And why don’t just listen?
Why do they act the way they do?
You are not alone.
Join our Parent & Teen panel (representing Lynbrook and 3 other high schools around the Bay Area) as we dialogue about hot topics facing today's generation. We'll push beyond cultural barriers to hear honest perspectives from both sides on communication, pressure, and dating . Our aim is to begin building bridges and gain an understand - one generation to another.
Teens Speak-Out 2011
Welcoming parents and teens to join us
Wednesday, February 16, 7:00-8:30 PM.
Lynbrook High School (Auditorium)
1280 Johnson Ave.
San Jose, CA, 95129